Netflix - Heart of Stone
In crafting the title sequence for the film "Heart of Stone," directed by Tom Harper and starring Gal Gadot, (produced by Netflix) our objective was to enhance the dynamic essence of the movie. Our focus was on accentuating the action-packed theme, bringing to the forefront the vibrancy and energy encapsulated within the narrative, all while maintaining a visually graphic and textured environment.
Immersing ourselves in the cinematic world, we meticulously recreated various facets of the film, providing a comprehensive journey for the audience. Following the protagonist, Gal Gadot, through these intricately re-imagined scenes, we aimed to encapsulate the essence of some of the scenes of the narrative.

Project information
A distinctive feature of our approach was the initial creation of the entire title sequence in 3D, lending depth and dimension to the visual experience. Subsequently, each frame underwent a meticulous hand-painting process. The frames were then carefully re-scanned and processed, ensuring a seamless integration of the handcrafted elements into the digital realm.
Our methodology aimed not only to capture the pulse of the film but also to offer a unique blend of digital precision and handcrafted artistry, culminating in a title sequence that serves as a captivating prelude to the cinematic journey that unfolds in "Heart of Stone."
Production Studio: Pencil TV
Directed by Danae Gosset & Danica Tan Lijun
Co-Producer: Federico Matarazzo
3D Producer: Danica Tan Lijun
3D Animators: Takayuki Sato, Luca Martinelli, Johnny Lee, Ayana Kubota
Character Modelers: JHill & Alex Boatman
Character Rigger: Alex Boatman
Character Animators: Mindy Lee & Clara Bigache
Assistant 3D Animator & 3D Texture Artist: Deena Ramli
2D Animators: Alienor Delaporte, Isabel Stub, Lea Becquet, Jessica Alemdjrodo, Zoe Partouche
Lead Design & Art Direction by Danae Gosset and Danica Tan Lijun
Creative Consultant: Grace Taittinger
Storyboard Artist & Character Design: Ewa Luczkow
Type Designer: Jeremy Rieger
Type Animation: Dev Valladares
Title Design & Animation: Matthew Curtis
Additional Title Animation: Mikey Kelly
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